Sunday, June 01, 2008

Six Things About Me (I was tagged recently*)

I was tagged by LuLu, who lives here. This means that I have to disclose six (6) things about myself. My response was sluggish, but I am currently experiencing a higher than average volume of calls. Okay, six things:

#1. I digress.

#2. I am a genius. Behold: Looks tough?

And two short weeks later?...

Exactly - an entirely different configuration.

#3. You will not hear me say in an effort to clarify matters, "Well, it is what it is".

#4. I am okay with Mathematics, but counting is not my forte.

#5. I readily admit to being a bit of a pack rat, but who can blame me for having amassed two and a half drawers full of these?

#6. I have these:

And I got the last two.

#7. My wife and I are of two minds.


There, all done. Six things.

* March 5, 2008
