Saturday, January 12, 2008

um... DO YOU MIND??


sassy said...

Great shot - so much fun to watch dogs playing (erm um I mean invade their privacy)

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Thanks, Sassy. As usual, the best shots are by a stroke of good luck.

The black and silver doggie is mine, and the blonde is his girlfriend.

LuLu said...

Dog porn? You, sir, should be ashamed ...

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Hey, Lulu, at least they're adults. Nearly 2 years old , the both of 'em! Umm, that might sound young, but remember, they're nearly 14 in dog years.

uh... Wierd. Somehow that still doesn't sound wholesome.

Anyway, it's only foreplay. I got outta there moments after this shot, honest.

LuLu said...

Well that's alright then. Did they smoke after 'cause that's totally unhealthy ...

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

I don't think so - neither of them have mastered the childproof lighter yet.

And they think they're so smart with their piano playing.

LuLu said...

Hell ... I haven't mastered the childproof lighter yet. I think you ask too muych of your canine friends. What kind of dogs are they - they're quite gorgeous.

¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

The silvery one is a lab-poodle cross, and the other is a golden retreiver-poodle cross. A poobrador and a retroodle.

They're both very sweet.

I lurve your avatar, btw.

LuLu said...

Why thank you kindly - it's the Beat Girl, don't you know. Yours is quite clever ...

ANNA-LYS said...

LOL :-)

Great looking fellows You got there!